MSHV Linux Binary Download page
(No longer functional)
Due to serious illness, I'm no longer able to maintain this service!
LZ2HV, Christo has kindly given me permission to distribute binaries of his excellent MSHV SW for Debian based Linux distributions.
v2.24 64-bit Debian based
v2.24 32-bit Debian based
v2.25 64-bit Debian based
v2.25 32-bit Debian based
Installation consists of unpacking the folder structure to a convenient location in your filesystem, e.g. /home/username/MSHV_xxx
To run the program you simply execute the binary program file located in the /home/username/MSHV_xxx/bin subfolder.
I always copy the folder ".../bin/settings" from the old version to the new version, in order to keep my local data and configuration
Due to serious illness, I'm no longer able to maintain this service!
Last modified 20.09.2019, Peter Frenning